Star of Caledonia

Artist(s): Cecil Balmond and the late Charles Jencks
Client: Star of Caledonia Trust 
Project designer: Balmond Studio 
Project manager: Ginkgo Projects 
Commissioner:  Star of Caledonia Trust 
Funders: Community Wind Power (CWP Energy) and Gretna Green Ltd 
Location: Gretna Green, Scotland

Set within a biodiverse landscape, the Star of Caledonia will be a new regional, national and international cultural landmark and visitor destination for Scotland at Gretna Green.

The Star will symbolise the dynamism of the Scottish nation and the energy and power of Scottish invention. A phased new visitor and education offer will celebrate Scottish innovation and promote the best of the region. The landscape setting will offer a wide range of educational, cultural, and community programming developed in partnership with local and regional stakeholders. 

The Star is a timeless work, which for 365 days a year will be a bold and confident statement of Scotland’s innovation and energy.
— Lucy Houston, Chair of Star of Caledonia Trust

Star of Caledonia will form a new destination and stopping point, encouraging visitors to explore the region’s natural and cultural heritage.

Born out of an idea by artist Cecil Balmond to capture the powerful energy, scientific heritage and magnetic pull of Scotland, the design pays homage to Scottish innovation and particularly James Clerk Maxwell, the pre-eminent Scottish physicist and mathematician. Being situated near the border, it will also serve as a symbol for entering and leaving Scotland.

The Star characteristic is a close analogy to that of the action of electromagnetism. And brings to mind the work of James Clerk Maxwell, a native of Dumfries and Galloway.
— Cecil Balmond, Artist

About Cecil Balmond 

Balmond creates new horizons in art and design. His dynamic approach is informed by the art of geometry and science of non-linear organisation and emergent form. Balmond runs an international research-based practice involved with art, architecture and design. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineers.

We believe the Star of Caledonia to be a special project and we are doing all we can to see it built.
— Rod Wood, Managing Director at Community Windpower

Development funding is being generously provided by CWP Energy Ltd and Gretna Green Ltd.

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